Cancellation of the Atlantic Games 2024
For reasons beyond our control, taking note of the recent decision of the Bajo Guadiana Committee to give up organizing the 24th edition of the Atlantic Games, we are forced to cancel the Atlantic Watersports Games 2024. This decision was taken without consultation with our Committee.
We hope that the clubs and federations which had planned to participate in the event, coming from Ireland, United Kingdom, France, Spain and Portugal, will not suffer from this unexpected decision.
The same goes for the Federations which had planned to be involved in the organization of the events.
We will keep you informed of the consequences of this decision for the Atlantic Games and for our Committee made up of numerous representatives of water sports from the European Atlantic Area.
We remain resolutely focused on the future and are already working on new projects.
The Atlantic Water Sports Committee.
Road to Atlantic Games 2024
The organizers of the Atlantic Games 2024 met on November 8 and 9 on Isla Cristina, in the far west of Andalusia. Notably present were the sports teams from the 5 organizing cities, Alcoutim, Castro Marim, Vila Real de Santo Antonio (Portugal), Ayamonte and Isla Cristina (Spain) and the members of the Atlantic Water Sports Committee.
El objetivo de este proyecto es apoyar la feminización de los órganos de gobierno del deporte y promover la participación cívica de las mujeres en los deportes acuáticos. Hemos llevado a cabo una serie de testimonios sobre mujeres líderes en los deportes acuáticos, con vistas a reforzar su compromiso.